
Showing posts from May 19, 2019

Prayer Session with Beloved

Praye r session with Beloved.                                                              May 22nd, 2019 Leveraging on the creativeness d efficacy of The Word Scripture: John 1:1-3 The power of Jesus is a manufacturing/ creation power; for without Him was there nothing made that was made. By implications, everything made was once raw (unmade, undone, dilabilitated, formless, etc). In Him is life, therefore, every lifelessness, be gone right now in the name of Jesus. Christ is the power that brings to being, He is the power behind creation and relevance. Everything that has hitherto remained raw, because Christ is setting in right now, they are getting done. Things happens differently the moment God gets involved, trends are broken and reversal is initiated. Therefore, records of failure are right now changed in the na...

From Church Today____Seeds of Greatness

        Topic:  Seeds of Greatness Greatness is God's design, Greatness is man's desire. It is inherent in man to be great We are created to be great and must live in this consciousness Psalm 82:6 Greatness is in the seed principle, every great thing was once small. John 12:24 Every great thing was once a seed. The greatness of the oak is in the oakon. Your present circumstance does not determines you. Greatness if not cultivated will not be activated. Anything you want to multiply in life, pay attention to it. Greatness is a process John 12:24 Every phase of your life is a journey towards your progress and don't despise any stage. The phase you are now is a class in God's school. 1. The word of God is the first seed, don't despise it. Saturate yourself with the word of God and your greatness will not be contested. 2. The seed of faith Hebs 11 Hope is an expectaion, faith is the activation. Faith is taking a step to m...