Prayer Session with Beloved
Prayer session with Beloved. May 22nd, 2019
Leveraging on the creativeness d efficacy of The Word
Scripture: John 1:1-3
- The power of Jesus is a manufacturing/ creation power; for without Him was there nothing made that was made.
- By implications, everything made was once raw (unmade, undone, dilabilitated, formless, etc).
- In Him is life, therefore, every lifelessness, be gone right now in the name of Jesus.
- Christ is the power that brings to being, He is the power behind creation and relevance.
- Everything that has hitherto remained raw, because Christ is setting in right now, they are getting done.
- Things happens differently the moment God gets involved, trends are broken and reversal is initiated.
- Therefore, records of failure are right now changed in the name of Jesus.
- Whatever you do not confront will remain, in other words, whatever you agree with, so be it
- Lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places in the name of Jesus. Psalms 16:6
Christy nockrel: Everything is mine in you
- Everything that has hitherto remained disorganized, they are getting into order in the name of Jesus. The opposite is happening to your favour, a new trend is occuring--------A reversal
- The moment there is a reversal, everything practically changes, direction, speed, destination and even encounters.
- Reversal is a change in the nature and sequence of events-----A turn around
- Ugly trends are reversing right Now in the name of Jesus.
- A Difference is happening in your body
- A difference in your status
- A difference in your job
- A difference in your barns and stores
- A difference in your family
- A difference all around in the name of Jesus.
It is a great loss to live in life continually on a spot without a noticeable difference
- Peradventure people have given up on you saying for this one, he or she is written off, I declare that The difference is coming in right now, a huge difference in the name of Jesus.
- Your life shall get a lift in the name of Jesus.
- Every contrary wind against you is reversed right now in the name of Jesus.
- The narratives about your life is changing. Welcome to a new era and a new you
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