YOU AND THIS JOURNEY AGAIN!!!!! Hurray!!!!! The earth has yet again began another round of its usual journey around the sun. Its occupants rejoices for seeing the completion of the just concluded journey and the privilege it has got to journey along once again in this vehicular ball of existence. Apparently, we all (earth's temporary dwellers, ETD) moves along the course of earth's journey discharging what we bring along to the earth as we move towards our passing over to the beyond. The earth's journey encounters series of events to which the occupants have become subject. These either makes or mars them. To this wit, anyone who succeeds every round of this journey undoubtedly have reasons for which to rejoice. Limitation in knowledge will fail me to assert how many times the earth has completed this journey but with the current available measurement of time, I may perhaps be condoned to say the earth has at least taking a turn of 2018 and just commences its 2019th roun...