
Showing posts from September 18, 2016


DO NOT BE UNEQUALLY YOKED WITH UNBELIVERS-BY AJAYI BELOVED Relationship is a normal part of human lives and it is very important that men relate cordially with themselves even as they relate with God. Relating well with men forms a vital aspect of our relationship with God. As believers therefore who have being called out of darkness into a glorious estate, it is very important to carefully determine the kind of relationship we get ourselves involved in. Association with unbelievers puts us on a blink of getting influenced by them and thus standing a chance of turning aside from the truth we have known and professed. People become closely linked to themselves by reason of common interest and thus find expressions together. They share the same culture and exhibit the same lifestyle. Nature has also thought us the same vital lessons. Organisms of the same species relate much more closely to themselves. Different species of organisms will definitely not properly align with each other ...