From Church Today____Seeds of Greatness

        Topic:  Seeds of Greatness
Greatness is God's design,
Greatness is man's desire.
It is inherent in man to be great
We are created to be great and must live in this consciousness Psalm 82:6
Greatness is in the seed principle, every great thing was once small.
John 12:24
Every great thing was once a seed. The greatness of the oak is in the oakon.
Your present circumstance does not determines you.
Greatness if not cultivated will not be activated.
Anything you want to multiply in life, pay attention to it.
Greatness is a process John 12:24
Every phase of your life is a journey towards your progress and don't despise any stage.
The phase you are now is a class in God's school.

1. The word of God is the first seed, don't despise it.
Saturate yourself with the word of God and your greatness will not be contested.
2. The seed of faith Hebs 11
Hope is an expectaion, faith is the activation. Faith is taking a step to making what you desire in the immaterial world and bring it into manifestation.
Romans 8:19

  • Faith is action, to move into your greatness, there must be an action of faith, your greatness can not manifest without an action of faith. Faith will distinguish you from your contemporaries. Faith is an action that takes your expectations into manifestation.  Mat 14:25 
  • Step out of your comfort zone.
  • To be able to do what only God can do, you need to have faith. 
  • Begin to walk in the consciousness of who you are, begin to live your reality Gen 12:1-downwards
  • You don't confess you have faith when you are not showing it. Faith has characteristics
  • There are many voices in this world but the voice that will move you into greatness is the voice of God. Faith listens to and hears God.
  • Hearing God is not rocket science: God speaks through dreams, visions, inner witness (your intuition),  prophesies, God speaks through His word.
Fear defined
  • Faith obeys God Romans 2:13
  • Faith takes risk Mat 14:25
  • If you don't take a risk, you won't take a lift
  • If you want to attain the impossible, you need to attempt the incredible.
  • Faith changes fate.
  • If you want your status to change, be a man of faith Hebrew 11
  • Pray: in the name of Jesus, my name is going into the records of greatness Hebrews 11:2-3
  • Even God Himself demonstrated faith, He said, let there be and there was......
  • It is time for you to step into greatness,
Your greatness is here. Amen


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