Relationship is a normal part of human lives and it is very important that men relate cordially with themselves even as they relate with God. Relating well with men forms a vital aspect of our relationship with God. As believers therefore who have being called out of darkness into a glorious estate, it is very important to carefully determine the kind of relationship we get ourselves involved in. Association with unbelievers puts us on a blink of getting influenced by them and thus standing a chance of turning aside from the truth we have known and professed. People become closely linked to themselves by reason of common interest and thus find expressions together. They share the same culture and exhibit the same lifestyle. Nature has also thought us the same vital lessons. Organisms of the same species relate much more closely to themselves. Different species of organisms will definitely not properly align with each other because they have the differing lifestyles. It is abnormal to find humans having any close social ties with goats, neither do lions associate with sheep, eagles mingles with eagles and goats with goats. It is however in the depraved human world that one can find all sorts. When the right association is contacted, much will be achieved, for example, when eagles mingles with eagles, they give birth to golden eaglets. Your association matters a lot, it is a major decider of what and who you become. When two different categories of individuals with different characteristics and interests live together over a long time, there is bound to be influence in the behavior of the one by the other, this is because in a relationship involving two different individual, there will be one that will have the higher power of influence on the other, similarly, it is necessary that believers become aware of the importance of the need to be separated from any affiliation and company with the world and everyone who lives in darkness and by the dictates of the devil. Living a separated life is known as being sanctified. We have being called into a life of sanctification and the bible admonished us to come out from among them and be yea separate, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. The bible says here that we should not be yoked with unbelievers, we have being lifted up from among them, we have being called unto a higher life, we have been redeemed from their kind of lifestyle, we have being washed from the filthiness into which they are deeply immersed, we have being called out . it is a total disdain of our glorious position to again become linked or yoked with unbeliever, we have being made kings and priests unto our God, a king do not live a common life, his dressings changes, his words changes, the places he goes is now being selective, he cannot tolerate the company of certain people any longer, little wonder the bible told us that therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new. It is vital to make a short list of some of those old things that have passed away. Old dressings has passed away, old talks has passed away, old friendship has passed away.  A king is dignified, the moment a king assumes a throne, he must for certainty loose hold of several associates, his level has changed, he now associates with a different kind of special individual. People in his sphere of influence are no such people that can be tagged as ordinary. He the king would have done a great compromise to his position if he fails to recognize that he is now a special being, what really happens when he fails to live dignified? If a king fails to live up to the expected conducts warranted by his post, he is sure to loose respect, become rubbished by his subordinates and he also most importantly stands a chance of not being able to lead a successful government, he stands a risk of being distracted, he stands a risk of losing the throne and the crown. Similarly, any association of a believer with the world is a call unto danger, several things are at stake by associating with the ungodly. God admonished us in the book of proverbs: my son if sinners entice you consent thou not. A believer who associates with the world stands a risk of losing his or her faith, he stands a risk of being dragged down into the mud and becoming again carried away into the empty ways of life from which he has being redeemed. James 4:4 says do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? The world has a culture and it is this culture that the unbelievers are used to, believers on the other hand has a different culture which is the unique, distinctive pattern of life that God has shown to us through Jesus Christ.
Associating with the world stampedes your Christian life, sucks you of the real essence and eventually gets your drawn into the ocean of sin.
When a man associates with the unbelievers, he loses his values, he begins to imbibe ungodly values and gradually it continues until he or she is completely gone. Who we relate with forms a very important aspect of life and a major decider of what we become. This has being a long standing matter, we saw in the garden of Eden where Eve choose to be associated with the wrong creature, she became deceived and by extension the entire human race today suffers from the repercussion of that wrong relationship. Believers are a race of People I tagged the common race. In our race, we have a different ideology and practices and these automatically renders us incompatible with unbelievers in any form of association, what has darkness to do with light? Or the temple of God with belial. God’s spirit in us seeks for a relationship with Him incessantly, God is every time grieved when He sees His children join His spirit in them with the wrong association with unbelievers.

God has always laid down this principle of being separate, to Abraham, He called Him out into a separate land in order to be able to have a dealing with him without being distracted, God wants our total attention, He does not want any form of distractions which we are sure to suffer if we get associated with the world, God specifically told Abraham to leave his father’s land into a land that He would show to him, God wanted him to live all the practices that Abraham’s people do, he wanted him to desert their gods and idols, he wanted them to desert their ways of life and traditions, God wanted to establish a covenant with him, God was seeking to build a distinct nation from him. Failure of Solomon to carefully select his associates landed him into following the course of unrighteousness by serving other gods all because of women. We must be careful of wrong associations and not desecrate our calling thereby. Shalom 


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