Time for Prayers!!!

Time for Prayers!!!
If you believe in the Supremacy of Our God, Say a Big Amen to These prayers.
·        Honour Your name Jesus Christ, Honour Your name.
·        In Your church, Honour Your name.
·        In our Lives, Honour Your name.
·        In Our Nations, Honour Your name.
·        In Our Schools, Honour Your name.
·        In Our Societies, Honour Your name.
·        In Our Villages, Honour Your name,
·        In Our Streets, Honour Your name.
·        In Our Hospitals, Honour Your name.
·        In Our Marriages, Honour Your name.
·        Over the Impoverished lives, Honour Your name.
·        Over Those in Captivities, Honour Your name.
·        Over Those whom the devil has enslaved, Honour Your name.
·        Over all those who wait earnestly on you, Honour Your name.
·        Over The Oppressed, Weak and The Voiceless, Honour Your name.
·        In Every of Our Systems, Honour Your name.

·        In all that pertains to humanity, Please Honour Your name Oh Lord!!! Let satan the tyrant be defeated and Your kingdom come upon all lives.-Amen


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