

Join me for a week devotion titked Covid 19 & The Cross

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Prayer Time

_*Today's prayer point: Oh Lord, Father of our existence,  You have not created me to *Suffer*, I denounce Suffering from my life and the lives of all those associated with me in the name of Jesus*_ when you take a look at the society and at life generally, you'd agree with me that some people are really suffering, some are in utter devastation---wallowing in immense suffering, some guys are in the prisons for no reasons, some people have terrible / terminal ailments and in the hospitals watching their lifes pass out of them even as they go through inexpressible pains. Some are beggers, others are living far below the standard of life that can ever be attributable to humans. You need to cry to God over Yourself and all that is yours, _Oh Lord!, in this life of mine, May I have no reason to *Suffer*_

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